
60 – Pretoria (Theresapark), Gauteng, South Africa



60 – Pretoria (Theresapark), Gauteng, South Africa

I like braai, camp or going away/travel, fishing, handyman, romantic and spoiler, clean and honest

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Online: More than 6 months ago

Modified: More than 6 months ago

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In Her Own Words

About Her

Ek is cheerfull, grapjas en n eerlike persoon (Hate lies) en mense wat nie hulle woord kan hou nie of n belofte nie na kom nie. Ek hou nie van laat kommers nie. I am a Christian and going to church person, hoef nie 100% elke Sondag te wees nie. Cant stand Charmers and ugly talking (swearing), hou nie van mense wat vuil, hard praat of skree nie. Ek is n baie plat op die aarde mens, nie vreeslik aanstelerig nie, hou nie van hoogmoedige mense nie, maar ek weet wat ek wil he en mors nie my tyd met goedkoop praatjies, skinder of goedkoop wees nie. Ek is n baie trotse persoon en hou nie van verleentheid of mense wat my tyd mors of my probeer vir n ride vat nie. Wat jy sien is wat jy kry. Ek is baie lief vir kinders, werk met hulle elke dag van my lewe, dit is my passie.

Ek hou daarvan om bederf te word en sal my partner ook in die afgrond bederf, dit moet 100% met die regte en eerlike bedoelings wees. Ek is n outgoing person en mense se ek het n mooi en eerlike persoonlikheid. Ek hou van fliek, videos kyk, stap, avonture, naweke en vakansies weg gaan, maar hou ook daarvan om myself besig te hou by my huis. Vis vang, uit eet, (anything fun to do and is open for new adventures) Ek is n introvert maar het n extrovertiese persoonlikheid. Kan met enige een praat en kom oor die weg met die meeste mense. Het tonne geduld. Ek is baaaaie Lief vir bak. Hou daarvan as my partner saam met my kan kos maak. Hou van rustigheid en buite lewe en braaivleis en Rugby en fotos neem. Hou nie daarvan om in die verleentheid gestel te word nie. Is n op my plek mens, baaaaaie netjies, skoon en georganiseerd en verwag dieselfde.

About Her Ideal Match

Ek hou van n man wat eerlik en opreg is, nie my tyd wil mors nie, die lewe is te kort daarvoor. N Man met n mooi en sagte persoonlikheid, wat romanties kan wees met n hart. Soek nie n Generaal nie (Gaan kry n pos in die Weermag asb) Def n man wat al groot geword het en klaar pop gespeel het en oor n midlife crises is.Ek hou van n sterk man soos wat ek van my koffie hou, moet verkieslik n leier wees en sy man kan staan, nie n man wat alles herhaal en op my denke staat maak en alles se en doen wat ek doen nie. Ek is n sterk vrou maar het n baie sagte hartjie, kyk baie mooi na myself en na my man en staan hom by en verwag ook dieselfde terug, is heel gesond vir my ouderdom en heel vol lewe, (voel soos 21+vat-10%), stel asb nie belang in n man wat sy lewe wil om slaap nie. Hou van n man met integriteit, netjies op homself en in sy blyplek, trots maar kan n traan pik, ek is n vrou met duisende talente en hou daarvan om saam my partner te kook, ek is n bobaas bakster,vang vis, dans, stap, speel darts, kaarte, T-Bowling, ry 4 Wheeler ens. Sal van n man hou wat amper alles saam met my kan doen. Ek le graag lepel en cuddle, is n touch person maar asb as jou hond saam op die bed wil slaap moenie eers na my kyk nie.

Het n great persoonlikheid en hou nie van n suurroom of negatiewe persoon nie. Is baie grapig maar weet wanneer om ernstig te wees, eks n introvert maar het n extrovertiese persoonlikheid. Weet wat en wie ek wil he.

Hou van interior decorating en is kunstig. Stel belang in n man wat van die buite lewe hou en van Rugby. Sal dit geniet as die persoon van shopping saam met my hou maar nie n vereiste nie. Handyman wees & van n mooi netjiese tuin & blome hou. Hou van kamp en naweke weg of vakansies en toer. Sal daarvan hou as n man die Here Nr1 plaas dan homself en dan ek wat onderdanig aan hom kan wees maar nie sy onderdaan is nie. Belangrikste om saam my Kerk toe te kan gaan

What Her Friends Say

Else1 hasn't asked any friends to write a recommendation yet.

About Her

Country of Origin:
South Africa
Pretoria (Theresapark), Gauteng, South Africa
Star Sign:
174cm (5' 8.5")
Body Type:
Hair Colour:
Dark Brown
Eye Colour:
Home Language:
Other Languages:
Christian / Protestant
Relationship Status:
Looking for:
Friends; Open to possibilities; Long-term; Marriage
Have Children:
Yes, not living with me
Want Children:
Daily Diet:
Eat most things
Occasional Drinker
Some University / College
Teacher / Professor

About Her Ideal Match

Country of Origin:
South Africa
Anywhere in Gauteng, South Africa
Age Range:
48 - 65
Star Sign:
176cm (5' 9.3") - 200cm (6' 6.7")
Body Type:
Slim; Average; Athletic; A few extra pounds; Stocky
Above Average; Average; Attractive
Hair Colour:
Blonde; Dark Blonde; Light Brown; Dark Brown; Black; Greying; Grey; White; Balding; Shaved
Eye Colour:
Has a Photo:
Home Language:
Afrikaans; Dutch; English
Other Languages:
Afrikaans; Dutch; English
Christian / Catholic; Christian / Protestant; Christian / Other; Christian / Orthodox
Relationship Status:
Single; Divorced; Widowed
Have Children:
No; Yes, not living with me
Want Children:
Daily Diet:
Eat most things; Eat healthily
Non-Drinker; Occasional Drinker
High / secondary school; Current University / College Student; Some University / College; Technical Diploma; Associates degree; Bachelors degree; Postgraduate degree; PhD / Post Doctoral
Executive / Management; Finance; Labour / Construction; Legal; Medical / Dental; Government; Retired; Sales and Marketing; Self-employed; Teacher / Professor; Technical / Science / Engineering; Other; Agriculture
Enough; Comfortable; Wealthy; Fat cat
  • Not important at all
  • Slightly important
  • Moderately important
  • Decidedly important
  • Non-negotiable

More About Her

More Physical Characteristics
Hair Style:
Medium; Long; Straight; Curly
I sometimes wear glasses
I have none
Body Art:
I don't have any
Sense of Humour:
Ruled by:
The heart
Party Behaviour:
An average mingler
Personality Traits:
Cautious; Daring; Easy going; Funny; Intelligent; Optimistic; Outgoing; Outspoken; Quiet; Realistic; Shy; Stable
Valued Qualities:
Chemistry; Compassion; Devotion; Faithfulness; Forgiveness; Friendliness; Honesty; Hope; Humility; Humour; Kindness; Moderation; Patience; Self-control; Sexiness; Tolerance
Fashion Sense:
Contemporary (I'm cool, but I don't need labels)
Favourite Clothing:
My trusty pair of jeans
Favourite Colour:
Leisure & Entertainment
Date Activities:
A movie; A picnic in a park; Attending a sporting event; Dinner at a restaurant; Going out dancing; Going to the theatre; Meeting for coffee; Meeting for drinks; Walking on the beach
Music Preferences:
Classical; Country & Western; Dance / Disco; Electronic Dance Music; Gospel / Religious; Instrumental; Latin; New Age; Opera; Pop / Top 40; Rock
It's just OK
Business; Crime; History; Horror; Mystery; Religious; Romance; Science / Technology; Self-help; Travel
TV Habits:
There're several shows I watch regularly
TV Shows:
Action / Adventure; Cartoons; Comedy / Sit-coms; Documentaries; Dramas; Educational; Game shows; Movie Channels; Music Channels; Nature / Wildlife; News; Soap operas; Sport
Movie Frequency:
Once or twice a month
Movie Preferences:
Action; Comedy; Documentary; Drama; Horror; Independent; Mystery; Romance; War; Westerns
Board games; Card games; Cooking; Gardening; Healthy living; Investing; Knitting; Painting; Photography; Pottery; Reading; Sculpting; Sewing; Shopping; Singing; Woodworking
Sport Involvement:
An active participant
Aerobics; Archery; Athletics; Badminton; Baseball; Basketball; Birdwatching; Bowling; Bowls; Camping; Canoeing; Cricket; Cycling; Dancesport; Darts; Fencing; Fishing; Golf; Gymnastics; Hiking; Horse Riding; Inline / Roller skating; Mountain biking; Pool; Rock climbing; Rowing; Rugby; Running; Sailing; Scuba diving; Shooting; Snooker; Snorkeling; Snowboarding; Softball; Surfing; Swimming; Table Tennis; Tennis; Volleyball; Walking
I quite like cooking
Asian Fusion; Chinese; Doesn't matter; Fast food; Fine Dining; German; Indian; Pub Grub; Seafood; South African
Go Out to Eat:
I eat out a few times a month
Dietary Restrictions:
I have none
More Lifestyle
Pace of Life:
Time at Work:
I work a standard 40 hour week
Pastimes of choice:
Spending time outdoors
Time Online:
Once or twice a week
Take Drugs:
Family Size:
I've got a brother and a sister
Family Closeness:
We're average
Relationship Type:
I'm just plain single
Willing to Relocate:
I'd consider it
Likes & Dislikes
I like animals
Pets (Like):
Bird(s); Cat(s); Dog(s); Fish; Horse(s)
Pets (Dislike):
Dancing; Flirting; Intelligence; Showing affection in public; Power; Thrill seeking; Wealth
Body piercing(s); Long hair; Sarcasm; Skinny dipping; Tattoo(s)
The Deep Stuff
Work Aspirations:
I already have my ideal job
Religious Attendance:
Once a month
Dream Home:
Beach house
Retirement Plans:
Travelling cross-country in a mobile home
Feelings about using Love 2 Know U:
Nervous; Hopeful; Curious; Optimistic; Excited